February 6, 2025

Seminar Topics For Civil Engineering

Seminar Topics For Civil Engineering

During the degree and recognition course of Civil Engineering, every one of the understudies should introduce and present a class report on the most recent designing innovation and industry patterns as a piece of the scholarly educational program. In this article, we will give you a complete guide about seminar topics for civil engineering.

Here we discuss different 5 topics about seminar topics for civil engineering. Such as Activated Carbon Adsorption, Ambient Intelligence, Analysis of road accidents, Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering, &Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks (ACC Blocks).

Top 5 Seminar Topics for civil engineering

Seminar Topics for civil engineering: Activated Carbon Adsorption

In addition to the type of raw material used, a factor that determines the quality of the activated carbon is the activation process carried out in special furnaces or reactors. Therefore, activated Carbon Adsorption is one of the essential Seminar Topics for civil engineering. This activation process aims to increase the adsorbing capacity of the activated carbon, thus improving its purifying capacity.

  • Activation with gas. The base consists of pre-carbonized material activated with a flow of gas at a temperature of 700-1000 ° C. Such as water vapor, with which the tiny pores already present in the carbon are enlarged, and others are opened larger. Since it allows obtaining the activated carbon with the best characteristics, i.e., with a more significant number of pores.
  • Chemical activation. Initially, a raw material without pre-carbonization is mixed with certain chemical compounds. This mixture is then heated up to 400-800 ° C. The activating substances (chemical reagents) are then removed. The result is an activated carbon generally with coarse pores used, for example, as a liquid colorant.

Although the two processes are different, the result – although of different quality – is the same: a porous and highly active carbon structure with many pores. The more pores it has, the more harmful substances it can absorb. Activated carbon is available mainly in powder form and grains, pellets, bricks, and activated carbon fabric. 

Seminar Topics for civil engineering: Ambient Intelligence

Ambient intelligence (AmI) is a term for an environment saturated with electronic devices that respond to the presence of people. In Russian-language sources, the term “ambient intelligence” is mentioned but is not yet a well-established equivalent of the English Ambient intelligence. Nevertheless, ambient intelligence is one of the essential Seminar Topics for civil engineering. In English-language sources, the paradigm of ambient intelligence is based on distributed computing technologies, building personal profiles, context orientation, client-oriented design of human-computer interaction and is characterized by the following features:

  • contextual awareness: these devices can recognize the user and the associated situational context.
  • Adaptability: they can change in response to the user’s reaction.

Anticipation: they can anticipate the user’s desires without any particular action on the latter. Belikova and Krajchovic describe a typical example of ambient intelligence in the home environment.

Seminar Topics for civil engineering: Analysis of road accidents

Road transport is the most unsafe of all available to humans. According to all the data, it is road accidents. According to these parameters, cars significantly overtake railway, air, and water transport. Road traffic accidents are the leading cause of death. They occur for many reasons, including both technological and human factors. An accident can happen due to the fault of a tired driver, due to icing of the road surface, or a malfunction of the brake system. However, the risk of getting into an accident is often influenced by external factors such as the day of the week, weather conditions, and the quality of the asphalt pavement.

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Identifying factors that significantly affect the risk of a road traffic accident when solving the problem of improving road safety should be considered a priority task. This will allow you to make decisions that can eliminate the third-party causes of accidents. In addition, the findings and conclusions drawn here may help improve road safety or for insurance companies planning to introduce life and health insurance programs for drivers and passengers.

 Indeed, the task at hand is enormous and requires many observations to draw profound conclusions. In total, there are about 100,000 records available. Suppose you have a good random number generator. This will not affect the significance of the result, but it will save time.

Seminar Topics for civil engineering: Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering

The designing and development area is among those lingering behind in the appropriation (or possibly experimentation) of computerized reasoning (AI) arrangements. Yet, artificial intelligence is one of the essential Seminar Topics for civil engineering. Thus, a new investigation by the counseling firm McKinsey attempted to examine.

The business creates more than $ 10,000 billion per year worldwide and keeping in mind that its clients are progressively complex. Yet, it remains strikingly immature, contrasted with others, from an innovative point of view. McKinsey’s examination featured the presence of various advancements. That could expand development efficiency levels, mainly through the appropriation of arrangements dependent on computerized reasoning (AI).

These advancements could help organizations, clearly beginning with the bigger ones, to address a portion of the primary difficulties. Like lessening expenses and postponements in project fruition and containing security chances. It is suitable to underline that, temporarily, the effect of these advances will be negligible. If, at all missing, a couple of organizations can put resources into these high-level instruments. Be that as it may, change will undoubtedly come. 

The nonstop expansion will join the drive from clients and others in AI answers for work in new areas and market fragments. This ought to steadily push organizations in the area to handle this issue all together not to risk falling behind their rivals.

Anyway, what are the subsequent stages on this developmental way for the area? To discover, three kinds of components should be noticed: 

  • the fields of utilization in development where human-made consciousness is now beginning to show itself.
  • Human-made intelligence applications and use cases.
  • Other AI calculations and frameworks could have possible utility in the business.

Artificial intelligence in construction

As referenced above, there are present, for the most part, still early-stage use instances of AI in development. Regardless of whether a modest bunch of creative new companies is beginning to spread the word. About themselves for their methodology zeroed in on this field. So there are some utilization models that organizations can begin assessing.

Plan programming that investigates a vast number of conceivable undertaking advancement choices. And adds to the nonstop improvement of preparation. Picture acknowledgment and characterization frameworks. That can assess photographs and recordings gathered on building destinations and recognize erroneous or unsafe conduct. To help the plan of wellbeing courses. Progressed examination stages total and investigate the information gathered by sensors to diminish costs, forestall site vacation, and timetable upkeep.

It is in the idea of AI calculations the need to gain from vast measures of gathered information. This creates economies of scale that favor more significant organizations. Which will have a more prominent measure of undertakings (i.e., data) to attract to prepare the calculations. Mainly, for the time being, more significant development organizations will in this way be at a benefit.

It is likewise conceivable to envision that an outsider who had some expertise in data innovation could enter the area. And adventure information on undertakings to prepare their computational models. This situation would profit the development area all in all, as opposed to a particular organization. 

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Seminar Topics for civil engineering: Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks (ACC Blocks)

Aerated concrete is the general name for all lightweight blocks with many pores (cells) in their structure. Steaming the material in autoclaves (metal capsules) at a high pressure of 12 atm and a temperature of 191 ° C. It is a foamed cement-sand mortar, which solidifies in forms in the open air. Such material is much inferior to autoclaved aerated concrete in its properties. The walls of houses built from it quickly crack and fall apart.

Characteristics of aerated concrete blocks


Autoclaved aerated concrete is produced by large factories with a high degree of automation. This is the only way to control several dozen processes, dosing of components simultaneously. And eliminate the human factor in production. So the buyer cannot doubt their quality.

The old GOST 1989 is much less demanding. It is possible to organize production with unstable quality indicators, having only a concrete-mortar plant and formwork. And thus obtain non-autoclaved aerated concrete.


An important parameter of aerated concrete is density. The most common densities are D500 and D600. Autoclave products at these densities have compression strength classes B2.5 and B3.5.


Heavy objects can be attached to autoclaved aerated concrete blocks: air conditioners, boilers, and any curtain walls. A properly selected anchor with such a base can withstand a load of up to 700 kg – no worse than brick or heavy concrete bases. Therefore, conventional mechanical fastening is not possible in this case.


In production, autoclaved aerated concrete hardens simultaneously with gas formation throughout the entire volume of the product. Bubbles, as lighter components, float upward, while heavier fillers settle downward. The result is an uneven distribution of pores in the block. As a result, it is impossible to achieve the exact characteristics of these blocks. In such material, colder sections of the wall often appear with condensation on the surface. 


Concrete hardening is a complex physicochemical process in which cement and water interact. When hardened, concrete gains strength. Strength gain with non-autoclaved aerated concrete lasts for several years and is accompanied by its significant shrinkage up to 5 mm / m. This leads to cracking of the finished masonry. As a result, cracks appear on the building. The finishing layer peels off. The plaster falls off.

Autoclaved concrete fully gains strength already during manufacture. So it does not face deformation: the shrinkage rate of these blocks does not exceed 0.4 mm / m.

Environmental friendliness

A house made of autoclaved aerated concrete always has a pleasant microclimate. Aerated concrete blocks are not susceptible to rotting and the appearance of fungus and mold. Walls made of non-autoclaved aerated concrete do not breathe well and become covered with condensation, which leads to mold. Living in such a house can be not only problematic but also dangerous.

Shape and geometry of blocks

 GOST allows only tiny deviations. Up to 3 mm in length, up to 2 mm in width, and up to 1 mm in thickness. Which deforms and wears out over time. Each time it becomes more difficult to assemble it correctly, deviations appear in the geometry of the blocks. Allows deviations of up to 5 mm on each side. Such a run-up in block sizes entails an increase in the thickness of the mortar layer, shrinkage, and the number of cold bridges. In addition, it will not be so easy to align the wall built from them.

Thermal insulation

The denser the material, the lower the thermal insulation. Low density non-autoclaved aerated concrete is an excellent thermal insulation material but very fragile. For solid masonry, you need a denser non-autoclave material and to compensate for poor thermal insulation. You will have to increase the thickness of the wall. In the northern regions. The thickness of a wall made of non-autoclaved aerated concrete with a density of D700 for regular thermal insulation without the use of insulation should be about 65-70 cm. A wall made of autoclaved blocks will give the same strength and thermal protection at a thickness of 40 cm. At the same time, the density of D400-D500 is sufficient.

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