February 6, 2025
Left Side Abdominal Pain

Left side abdominal pain, felt in the area between the pelvis. And the beginning of the ribs is not easy to define. It can be of different types: more or less intense, continuous or intermittent, localized or moving, with or without spasms, central or flank. It can concern the right side, the left side. So it can be diffuse, perceived only when lying down, or only at certain times of the day. Such as when waking up or after efforts such as defecation.

Left side abdominal pain is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, grumbling, flatulence and belching, back pain, and legs. In fact, there are not only the organs (stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, and genitourinary system). But also muscles, bones, nerves. The abdominal pain occurs when coughing, perhaps after intense physical activity. Is different from continuous pain in the lower abdomen or the side. If the pain persists, is very intense, or recurs, it is important to contact the doctor to understand. Thanks to the visit and possibly with the aid of specific tests ( radiography, CT scan, or resonance). Where it comes from, how to relieve it, and cure what is generated.

Causes of Left side abdominal pain

Image of a man coughing violently At the base of abdominal pain. There can be many causes, depending on the location, which can derive from trauma or pathologies. Since this is a vague symptom to be defined, the only solution is, especially if the pain persists for a long time. Becoming more and more intense, to go to the doctor for specific tests.

Left side abdominal pain can be divided into acute (if it arises suddenly) and chronic(if it has been present for at least 6 months more or less continuously). A problem can cause the disorder in any of the abdomen’s organs or structures or be born in another part. We speak of referred pain when the origin is at a different point from that where it occurs. The phenomenon is because the same nerve mediates the symptom. That passes through both the point where the problem is and where the pain occurs.

A typical example is the occurrence of pain in the abdomen when coughing. This common complication of cough includes, in addition to the painful belly symptom, chest pain, urinary incontinence exhaustion. Even in healthy people, violent coughing can strain the abdominal muscles. So they are sore when they have to contract to cough. An abdominal symptom, even a very debilitating one, can be due to trivial conditions or to situations. That can interfere with the quality of life of the person who suffers from it. But without exposing them to serious risks.

Intense, localized, from colic: how to classify the pain?

The image of a girl who has an inflamed stomach and intestines problem with pain is that. It’s not always easy to tell the doctor exactly what we feel and where we feel it, especially in children.

Let’s start from the seat: we can feel pain in the upper abdomen, on the left side, on the right side, under the ribs, at the bottom with the leg’s involvement. Abdominal pain accompanied by swelling, pain in the lower abdomen, and so on. It is not easy to figure out which organ hurts us. Still, depending on the specific location. That we report, the doctor can understand if it is the case to worry about or not. If he invites the patient to a visit, he will perform targeted palpation to rule out serious hypotheses. To propose a remedy or tests to recommend diagnostics more in-depth.

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It is important to understand where the pain is coming from and what kind of pain it is.

  • Pain from colic. It is very intense pain, but with a wave pattern: it appears and disappears quickly. A common example is renal or biliary (gallbladder) colic ;
  • Well, localized pain. It is felt in a specific place on the abdomen and is often connected to the underlying organ;
  • “Stabbing” pain, such as a needle or goad. It is characteristic of multiple conditions it can be a symptom of perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis ( liver stones), and ureteral stones ( kidney stones ). But also of a medical emergency such as an abdominal aneurysm;
  • Burning. It is a pain typical of peptic ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux disease (Gerd). It is felt in the epigastric area (under the breastbone) and can occur at particular times of the day.
  • Somatic pain. It is characterized by a sharp and perceived pain in the abdominal wall; it is usually sharpened when coughing or making movements;
  • Diffuse, dull pain. It is usually perceived in the lower abdomen, between the stomach and intestines. And is characteristic of excess intestinal gas or gastroenteritis and indigestion.
  • The pain usually develops slowly in the navel (periumbilical), epigastric, or hypogastric (under the breastbone) area;
  • Crampy pain. Cramps are not too severe and disappear after the expulsion of gas or episodes of diarrhea, which causes a stretching or distension of the mesentery or peritoneum membranes. That envelop the abdominal organs, which is a typical symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. But can also be due to appendicitis, diverticulitis, inflammatory and chronic diseases of the intestine such as Crohn’s disease.

Remedies for mild pain: Left Side Abdominal Pain

To understand if Left side abdominal pain is a temporary annoyance that should not cause concern or if it persists. It may be useful to try some remedy, which tends to relieve pain that is not pathological greatly. A first remedy is hot water: we can apply a hot water bottle on the abdomen. Take a hot bath or drink something hot (some tea to rehydrate). In the meantime, it is recommended to reduce the intake of alcohol, caffeinated and carbonated drinks.

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Abdominal pain: when to worry

It is advisable to go to the emergency room if sudden and severe abdominal pain occurs. And pain is felt when pressure is applied to the belly. Suppose the abdomen is hard to the touch if there is blood in vomit or stool (which may also appear black). If you do not urinate, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure or difficulty breathing, jaundice (yellowing of the skin) occurs, or when. In addition to abdominal pain, pain in the shoulder, chest, or neck occurs.

It is best to see your doctor if Left side abdominal pain tends. To worsen dramatically in no time, pain persists or tends to return for more than a week. Unexplained weight loss and/or loss of appetite occurs. Abnormal vaginal discharge occurs, urination disturbances, fever is detected, rectal bleeding occurs. Alteration of normal bowel function ( persistent diarrhea or stubborn constipation) or an exaggerated abdominal swelling occurs.

Stomach or intestine? How to distinguish the origin of pain

The stomach and intestines are innervated by a series of nerve endings derived from the same nerve: the vagus. This helps to understand why it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the area where Left side abdominal pain develops. However, it is possible to distinguish the symptom that affects the stomach from the intestinal one by paying attention to the area where the pain develops and how the symptoms present themselves.

These disorders usually resolve themselves or with simple behavioral measures, such as nutrition. In some cases, however, the pain may be due to other pathologies. It is necessary to consult a doctor—image of a man on a full stomach after a meal, typical symptoms of an upset stomach. Which can be mild to intense, include both the feeling of fullness during or after meals or burning. Always in the area below the breastbone.

The burning or gastritis is due to the mucosa’s damage, which protects the stomach by the hydrochloric acid needed for digestion. Gastric disorders can also have a psychosomatic origin: stress and nervousness increase gastric secretion and burning. It should also be remembered that heartburn is one of the possible symptoms of a heart attack. Still, it must be accompanied by other pain in the arm (usually the left one) and other symptoms. Such as shortness of breath and fatigue. On the other hand, intestinal pains are due to contraction and spasms of the muscles of the intestine walls.

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Intense pain that starts from the bowel area and affects the entire abdominal area. Alongside this main symptom, there may also be diarrhea or constipation, or abdominal distention with bloating. And gas, nausea, vomiting, difficulty digesting, sexual dysfunction (pain during intercourse and decreased libido) urinary changes.

The diagnosis

There are so many causes of abdominal pain to guide the doctor in the right direction. And a fundamental tool is an anamnesis, that is, listening to the patient’s history. A correct interpretation of the characteristics of pain, times of onset, evaluation of risk factors. Other symptoms present are valuable information to help. If necessary, the correct prescription of therapy or more targeted examinations. In some circumstances, to confirm or exclude a certain diagnosis may be prescribed: blood tests, urinalysis, stool test.

The radiographs (x-rays) are particularly useful for identifying the functionality inside organs such as the intestine. Ultrasound uses ultrasound to visualize and study organs and structures (major blood vessels) of the abdomen, including the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract, kidney, pancreas, spleen, aorta, bladder, and internal genital organs.

The organism’s radiographic images in a section with a computer’s help. It can be useful in verifying the functioning of the urinary tract, liver. And biliary tract for diagnosing pancreatitis or various types of cancer. Although the method is very accurate, it exposes the patient to a significant radiation dose-limiting its use. The MRI is a technique similar to the TAC but uses radio waves. And a special magnet to create internal organs’ images. However, the advantage of exposing the patient to a negligible dose of radiation corresponds to a high cost for carrying out the examination.

The endoscopic techniques exploit instruments that visualize the organs. From the inside and therefore are rather invasive tests when introduced into the digestive tract. They include gastroscopy, gastritis or ulcer diagnosis, and colonoscopy when the causes are intestinal.

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FAQ: Left Side Abdominal Pain


Repetitive and strong coughing involves tension in the abdominal muscles. This means that, in some cases, it is actually possible to put these muscles under stress. This condition manifests itself with pain when multiple coughs, yawns, and other similar movements are made.


Abdominal pain is a sense of discomfort in the abdominal cavity or in that area of ​​the body between the end of the pelvis and the ribs’ beginning. … It is not unusual for abdominal pain to be accompanied by conditions such as nausea, vomiting, belching, grumbling, or flatulence.


Stomach pain is characterized by localizing the disorder in the upper part of the abdomen, between the breastbone and the navel. On the other hand, intestinal pains are due to contraction and spasm of the intestine walls’ muscles. Intestinal colic is the main symptom and manifests itself with widespread, intense pain. That starts from the bowel area and affects the entire abdominal area.


Suppose you feel a slight pain in the abdominal part of the body. We can first try taking a hot bath, placing a hot water bottle. On the affected area, or drinking a hot drink. If the pain persists for days and/or becomes gradually more intense. It is good to go to the doctor to understand its origin and treat it properly. Instead, it is advisable to go to the emergency room if you experience sudden and severe abdominal pain. You feel pain when you pressure the belly if the abdomen is hard to the touch. Suppose there is blood in the vomit or stool (which can also appear black). If you do not urinate, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure or difficulty breathing. Jaundice (yellowing of the skin) occurs, or when, in addition to abdominal pain. Pain in the shoulder, chest, or neck occurs.


If the episodes are not particularly intense, we can first try taking a hot bath, placing—a hot water bottle on the affected area, or drinking a hot drink. Otherwise, contact your doctor, who will recommend the most suitable pharmacological intervention for us. Let’s avoid DIY.


An unhealthy diet, moments of strong stress can cause heartburn, gastritis, or pain following stomach acid. The first thing is to ask the doctor if it is appropriate to take a drug. To relieve the painful symptom. It is also important to avoid foods that can feed him, such as overdoing alcohol and coffee. Beware that even taking some drugs can induce these symptoms. It is always advisable to consult with your doctor before taking any other medicines.

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