Benefits Of Cold Showers

Some shiver at the thought of opening an icy jet on the skin early in the morning; in fact, many prefer the comfort of hot or lukewarm water while soaping and preparing for a new day. Here we will give you a complete guide about the benefits of cold showers. Yet, the cold shower in the literal sense – leaving the classic metaphor, which tells an unpleasantly unexpected situation – is good and offers many health benefits: from psychophysical well-being to muscle tone, from smoother and more toned skin to the reduction of body fat. Here are all the Benefits Of Cold Showers!

Table of Contents
Benefits of cold showers: good for circulation and heart
When the body comes into contact with cold water, the heart tends to increase blood pressure to keep vital organs warm, which results in improved circulation. Precisely for this reason, however, this practice may not be recommended for those suffering from particular cardiovascular diseases, which is why it is always necessary to ask your doctor for a preventive opinion.
Coldwater helps you burn fat.
Regularly taking cold showers also helps you lose weight. The body, subjected to the unexpected cold wave, must internally find the resources to maintain a correct temperature. To do this, it is forced to burn part of the fat reserves. And fats are not all the same: fat – or body fat – is divided into brown fat, which maintains the temperature by drawing on reserves, and white fat, the surplus that makes you risk obesity. Coldwater will force the body to convert some of the brown fat into heat and consequently burn calories.
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Fights stress, anxiety, depression
A cold shower helps relieve contemporary illness, stress. The impact of ice-cold water on the skin can also be violent. Still, the sensation sends the brain the impulse to produce norepinephrine, a chemical that, if deficient, can favor the onset of depressive states. It is as if, paradoxically, the body needs external stresses – such as contact with cold water, a run, a considerable effort – to rebalance internal ones, such as anxiety or depression.
It is as if, paradoxically, the body needs external stresses – such as contact with cold water, a run, a considerable effort – to rebalance internal ones, such as anxiety or depression. To facilitate relaxation of the body and mind, we recommend accompanying the cold shower with some fragrances used in aromatherapy and typical SPA treatments, such as the lavender body wash, which helps calm anxiety sandalwood shower gel, which reduces stress. Many experts advise taking a cold shower even in winter because it is very healthy. Coldwater makes the skin more youthful and elastic, helps to cope with depression, and activates the brain.
However, before you start practicing this method, you should find out about possible contraindications. In this article, we will detail all the pros and cons of a cold shower so that you can choose with complete information.
The Benefits Of Cold Showers for our health
Water is the source of life. Also, it makes up a large part of our body (the human body is about 60% water). To maintain the body’s water balance, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of water per day. It is important not only to drink water in the required quantities regularly but also to please your body with water procedures.
On infrequent occasions, we wash our face with cold water, even in summer. We take a scorching shower in winter, and in the hottest months, we switch to a warm one. Spas use cold water technology to activate blood circulation for a reason. It helps to saturate cells with water and significantly improves the appearance of the skin.
Skin and hair
Also, cold water perfectly smoothes the skin, relaxes muscles (not hot water, commonly thought), and exfoliates dead cells. Coldwater is very beneficial for the scalp. It improves the condition of the hair, makes it strong and shiny. If you can’t bring yourself to bathe in cold water, at least one last rinse with cool water.
Even a cold shower naturally fights dandruff and prevents hair loss. Hot water, for example, on the other hand, opens the pores of the scalp and stimulates the sebaceous glands. If you want to dry your hair a little, switch to washing with cold water.
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Immunity and circulation
A cold shower stimulates the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and increases the body’s resistance to bacteria and viruses. It is ideal for preventing the flu and colds (although it is usually said otherwise), invigorating in the morning,g and clearing the mind. It is also recommended to take a cold bath before meditation, as the mind becomes calmer and better under control. Coldwater is excellent at fighting depression and activating brain functions. After a shower, you will feel like a cheerful and happy person.
Coldwater also stimulates body detoxification. Low temperatures have a diuretic effect and help avoid fluid retention and fat nodules. For men, bathing in cold water increases testosterone production and improves sperm quality. If you’ve had a hard day at work or spent a lot of time on your feet, take a cold shower. Another option is to dip your feet in cold water to relax the veins and increase circulation. Several studies show that cold water reduces the likelihood of developing hypothermia-related diseases. It also helps to cure tuberculosis, skin diseases, menstrual disorders, and genital diseases.
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The Benefits Of Cold Showers: to summarize
- Stimulates the immune system.
- The skin looks firmer, younger, and healthier.
- Launches the defense mechanisms of the skin.
- Stimulates the work of internal organs.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Allows oxygen to circulate more efficiently throughout the body.
- Soothes the skin for eczema, itching, and hives.
- Neutralizes the negative effects of prolonged sun exposure.
- Helps wake up and bring the body into an active state.
- It narrows blood vessels, helps to cure or prevent the appearance of vascular stars.
- Promotes the elimination of toxins through the pores.
- Leaves hair healthy and shiny.
Cold shower: contraindications
Doctors advise not to overdo it with a cold shower. It is contraindicated in people suffering from hyperthyroidism, as they are more susceptible to cold temperatures. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases and sleep disorders should also refrain from this practice, as cold water stimulates the nervous system. Hot water is much better for relaxing before bed.
What else should you know about cold water?
Don’t practice abruptly switching to cold baths or showers. This is very stressful for the body as the heart rate is disrupted, and the lungs weaken. Change the water temperature gradually. Start with a warm bath, then gradually lower the temperature. It is easier to do this in spring and summer. Pay attention to the temperature of the water in which you bathe your children. For them, it is preferable to choose water of medium temperature. If you want to accustom them to a cold shower, do it gradually. There are no contraindications for age.
Why a cold shower is useful
Coldwater improves circulation, promotes the production of endorphins, and increases your productivity. If, of course, you can handle a cold shower. Chris Gamely, the author of the Fast Company portal, experimented on himself. 7:30. Frosty March morning. I stand in a cramped bathroom, wrapped in a towel, and stared resolutely at my reflection. The shower is on, as always at this time. But one detail changes the whole usual order: not at all gentle streams of warm water pour into the bath. My goal this morning is to jump into a cold shower. And the point.
But as soon as I touch the water with my fingertips, the ghost of determination melts like a snowflake in the palm of my hand. I grab the handle of the hot water tap and turn it all the way, like the last coward. The bathroom mirror is fogging up. This is great, damn it!
The origins of my failed experiment can be traced back to an accidentally spotted article in New York magazine, where they talked about cryotherapy for wealthy people: Spend three minutes in a room while cold nitrogen does its job, and get well with freezing temperatures! Treatment should burn calories, kick start the immune system, and kick-start the flow of mood-boosting endorphins, just like a runner’s euphoria—an excellent remedy for seasonal blues. But while I’m not a millionaire and I don’t live in an apartment overlooking Central Park, I decided to look for more affordable ways to reap the same beneficial effects. The Internet has brought me to a wonderful and harsh world of an invigorating cold shower.
Health is improved by cold water.
Katharine Hepburn preached about the benefits of cold showers all her life. The brave walrus divers who dive into ice-cold water in winter also claim to be adrenaline-fueled to feel refreshed and refreshed. (Although doctors warn that winter swimming is dangerous for people with heart disease.)
Professional athletes like Kobe Bryant and LeBron James take ice baths to relieve irritation and soothe aching muscles after training. (And don’t even hesitate to post experiments on social media.) Ned Brophy-Williams, an Australian sports scientist and author of several studies on cold water therapy, explained that immersion in cold water redirects blood flow “from peripheral vessels to deep vessels, while simultaneously reducing inflammation, increases and improves venous return (the amount of blood returned to the heart). ” An ice bath is ideal, though. Eight minutes in a cold shower – which can be alternated with a warm shower – is better than nothing.
But since I can’t start my morning with a hundred jumps and squats, I figured the cold water would help my productivity, or at least lift my spirits. In 2007, Nikolai Shevchuk published a study in which he proved that a cold shower could treat the symptoms of depression. With regular use, it shows better results than pharmacological antidepressants. “The mechanism that explains the inspirational effect of cold water immersion is perhaps by stimulating dopamine energy metabolism in the mesolimbic and pneumogastric pathways,” Shevchuk told Neuroscience podcast. “Dopamine pathways govern our emotions, and many studies have shown a link between these brain regions and depression.”
Coldwater fills the brain regions.
Independent studies have shown that “walruses” “significantly reduce the feeling of tension and fatigue, improve mood and memory.” I was interested in the methodology that the scientist used. In his study – and Shevchuk admits the sample was statistically small – participants started with a warm shower. (Here’s my mistake: I should have done the same.) Over the course of five minutes, the water temperature gradually decreased until it reached 20 ° C. This temperature seems very low on contact with skin. Participants stood in a cold shower for two to three minutes. It’s like taking a spring dip in the Pacific Ocean near California’s Orange County or in the Baltic Sea in early summer.
Armed with this new knowledge, I decided to give cold water a second chance. The next time I turned on the tap with less hot water than usual and jumped under the shower. Over the course of several minutes, he slowly decreased the temperature until the body became indignant. Breathing quickened. Heartbeat faster. I started dancing to keep warm. But when I concentrated and slowed down my breathing, it became easier to tolerate the cold water. When I dried off, I immediately felt ready for action. My heart was still beating faster, and that morning I felt an excitement that I can no longer get from coffee. I was full of enthusiasm, although it was a slushy New York winter outside. I even smiled at my colleagues!
The state of hair and skin will improve.
A virus shower is perhaps the ideal approach to improve the state of your hair, and it’s free (well, nearly). All things considered, when you wash your hair in heated water, it turns out to be excessively dry, and cold water, despite what might be expected, shuts the hair follicles (defensive hair scales), with the goal that less oily emission is washed off the hair. Subsequently, hair begins to sparkle and drops out less. The equivalent goes for your skin, which becomes cleaner.