Why Getting ISO 27001 Certified is Good for Your Business

Not all businesses require being ISO 27001 certified. Many of those who do, however, feel that it is unnecessary. Such is usually due to the false idea that it is only suited for big money-making ventures that can easily attract cybercriminals. The cost of having an ISO 27001 certification, which isn’t particularly cheap, also makes a lot of business owners stay away from getting it.
Information theft or data breach, contrary to popular belief, can happen to large and small businesses alike. It means that the size is not a measure of safety.
Experts confirm that almost 50% of cyberattacks involve small enterprises operating online. It doesn’t come as a big surprise since many of them do not have the necessary security measures and protection as a result of the misconception that they are not targets. Unfortunately, it is exactly this way of thinking that makes them the favourites of many cybercriminals.
Your business needs to be ISO 27001 certified, and it doesn’t matter if it’s massive or modest. For as long as your customers and business partners are entrusting sensitive information to you, it pays to have the protection that the certification offers.
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Increased Confidence
Offering top-notch products and services is not enough in the creation of a solid brand and reputation. It is also a must to ensure the customers, current and prospective alike that any information they provide won’t end up in the wrong hands.
This is when the importance of having an ISO 27001 certification comes in. Because it serves as a testament that you have met some of the most popular information security standards on the planet, everyone can have peace of mind that your business, the one that they have chosen to put their trust in, is doing its best to protect itself from cyberattacks.
Reduced Losses
Did you know that the global average cost of a data breach across small and midsize businesses amounts to $4 million? That big an amount can easily cripple any money-making venture. What’s more, it can cause some of the affected ones to close up shop eventually, especially if bouncing back proves to be a very challenging, if not completely impossible, task.
You can think of getting ISO 27001 certified as a protective measure that, although it doesn’t come with a cheap price tag, helps keep massive financial losses from coming into being in the event of an unforeseen security breach.
Improved Compliance
Customer satisfaction and profitability are not the only things that a business owner like you has to focus on. While running your enterprise, you should also make sure that you comply with an assortment of requirements. Failure to do so can lead to hefty fines and lawsuits, and in some instances going out of business due to the losses, financial and trust level alike.
If there’s information that you have to safeguard from crooks operating in cyberspace, then being ISO 27001 certified is a definite must. It allows you and your business to act in accordance with rigid regulatory requirements in this digital age teeming with serious cyber threats.
The importance of your business being ISO 27001 certified cannot be stressed enough. If you have very little to no idea on how to go about it, fret not because you can always get in touch with a third-party consultant that many business owners in your industry trust.