Why Should I Use on-demand Interviewing For My Business?

There is no doubt there have been many changes in the world – including the growth of technology. However, the coronavirus pandemic has also contributed to the change of many things as people search for various solutions. The pandemic has now changed how we shall conduct businesses forever. One of the activities that were significantly affected since the onset of the pandemic is the hiring process by on-demand Interviewing. This blog is all about on-demand Interviewing For Your Business.
When your business has open positions, most people will send their applications and end up flooded with resumes. The significant challenge is how to interview all the candidates safely. Remember that all departments will be juggling with more obstacles, but time is precious. However, you do not have to worry anymore – the on-demand interview is the solution.
What Does On-Demand Interview Mean?
The on-demand interview is a popular interviewing software. The software allows the candidate to respond to specific set questions recorded by a hiring manager or recruiter. Once the candidate completes, the hiring team will review later.In other words, the candidate will be on camera answering already recorded questions. That said, there are several very important reason for utilizing interview on demand to progress your business and grow your team.
Reducing the Costs and Preventing Scheduling Issues
When hiring in your company, the process can be time-consuming and expensive. So, you find yourself going back and forth through emails for days or weeks, searching for a convenient time to schedule the participants.
On the other hand, it will also not be easy for candidates. That’s because, many times, they have to take time off to travel to the interview venue. All these challenges will bring inconveniences to your business and candidates. When you use pre-recorded video interviews, you can screen candidates without unnecessary trouble. The candidates can also answer their questions in their free time. The process will help eliminate scheduling issues and reduce costs significantly.
Screening Candidates Better
Pre-recorded video interviews will provide you with a better screening of the candidate. The structured interview will help in assessing candidates equally. So, you can evaluate things they say, their facial expressions, and body language.
Moreover, with video interviews, your business will not only hire based on their CV but also their skills. In regards to screen calls, the on-demand interview will help reduce the time you can spend on each candidate. So, for only a short period, you can screen more candidates.
Providing Positive Candidate Experience
The key benefit of running a successful business is to attract the best candidates. As an employer, you must create a good impression, particularly when you don’t hire them. A video interview shows that your business recruitment process is avant-garde and it implements the newest technologies. Therefore, the process makes your business look appealing. In addition, an on-demand interview reflects your respect for candidates’ needs. That is because you have provided them with a chance to present themselves to showcase their motivations and skills. And they will not take time off to travel for the interview purpose.
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