How to create newsletters

Do you have a website, and would you like to retain your readers? Would you like to send emails to your colleagues on a weekly basis for the organization of the work plan and to set the shift times? If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, you can consider using a newsletter.
In fact, whatever your needs, there are tools to manage contact lists, create templates or use ready-to-use models and send mass emails, with the possibility of programming the day and time of dispatch. How do you say? Is that just what you were looking for? Then take a few minutes of your time and let me explain in detail how to create newsletters and what solutions are available to you, in the next paragraphs. You will find online services for sending mass emails, but also tools for users who do not have particular needs, if not to send multiple emails quickly.
If you agree, let’s not waste any more time chatting and move on to the heart of the matter. Courage, make yourself comfortable, take five minutes of free time and read the next paragraphs. Choose the service or tool that best suits your needs, put into practice the information I am about to give you, and I assure you that, in no time, you will be able to create your newsletter and manage all your communications with ease. Enjoy the reading!
Table of Contents
Create newsletters with MailChimp
Suppose you are wondering how to create a newsletter on your website to retain your readers. MailChimp is the solution for you. This famous platform for sending newsletters allows. In fact, to use free templates, manage registered users and schedule the sending of communications.
It will be useful to know that MailChimp is a free service. In its basic version, allows you to send a maximum number of 12,000 emails per month and to create lists with a maximum of 2,000 subscribers. To increase the sending of monthly emails and the number of subscribers per list, paid plans are available starting from $ 10 / month.
To create your account on MailChimp. Connected to the official website of the service, click on the Sign up free button on the top right, enter your data in the Email. Username and Password fields and press the Get started button. Within a few moments, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the Activate account button to complete the creation of your account.
In the new page that opens
press the I’m not robot button, enter your personal data, the name and address of your website and the data relating to your residence and press the Start button using MailChimp to start creating your newsletter. In the main screen of your account, click on the Lists and Create list items to create a list of users subscribed to your newsletter.
Now, enter the details of the list to be created in the fields List name (the name to be assigned to the list), Default from name address (the email address to be shown when you send a newsletter) and Default from the name (the name of the sender of the newsletter). After that, in the Reming people how they signed up to your list field, enter the reason why users are receiving the newsletter and press the Save button.
In the main screen of the list just created, click on the Add contacts option to add new subscribers to the newsletter (manually or via CSV file) or choose the Signup form option if you do not have any registered users yet. In the new open page, you can create a registration form to be inserted later on your website, thus allowing your readers to subscribe to the newsletter.
After creating the list and the registration form
Click on the item Campaigns in the top menu, press the Create Campaign button and choose the Email option. Then click the Add Recipients button to choose the list of users created just now and press the Add from button to enter the data to be shown as newsletter sender in the Name and Email address fields.
Now, press the Subject button to insert the subject (in the Subject field ) and the preview text (in the Preview text field ) to be shown in your newsletter email. Finally, click on the Email Design button to choose and customize the layout to use after entering all the data relating to your newsletter and customizing the template. You are ready to send. Then press the Send and Send now buttons to immediately send the newsletter. Otherwise, click on the Schedule button to schedule the sending. Then enter the date and time of delivery in the Delivery date and Delivery time fields and press the Schedule campaign button. To learn more about how the service works. You can read my guide on how MailChimp works.
Create newsletters with Gmail
If you don’t have a website and you’re wondering how to create newsletters with Gmail. In order to send multiple emails to friends and acquaintances. All you have to do is log in to your account and create a group of contacts.
To proceed, connect to the main Google Contacts page and. If you have not already done so, log in to your Google account. Selecting it on the Choose an account screen. Now, put the checkmark next to the contacts to add to your newsletter. Click on the label icon on the top right and choose the Create label option from the menu that appears. Then enter the name to be assigned to the label in the Create label field and press the OK button to complete its creation.
If the email address of a person you intend to include in your newsletter is not available in your contacts, click on the + button at the bottom right, enter the contact details in the fields Name. Surname and Email (if you also wish Telephone, Companies, Notes etc.) and presses the Save button to add it to your contact list. To learn more, you can read my guide on how to save contacts in Gmail.
To add a contact to a previously created label,
click on the Contacts item in the left sidebar. Put the checkmark next to the contact you are interested in. Click on the label icon in the top right and choose the group in which you want to add the contact in question.
After creating the label and adding the contacts you want to send your newsletter to. Connected to the main Gmail page. Click on the Write button at the top left and compose your message. Then, type the name of the label created above in the To field. So, enter the subject of your newsletter in the Subject field and write your message in the text field at the bottom using the toolbar to add customizations to the text, link and attachments.
Finally, press the Send button to send the message to all the contacts that are part of your label. To learn more, you can read my guide on how to create mailing lists with Gmail.
Create newsletters with Outlook
To create a newsletter with Outlook. The famous email management software included in the Office suite. Click on the New items button in the top menu and choose the Contact list option from the box that appears.
In the new window that opens. Enter the name of the group in the Untitled list field if you do not want to show the email addresses of the various contacts when you send the newsletter. So, put a checkmark next to the Use Bcc item to hide the member information.
Now, enter the names and email addresses of the contacts to be included in the group in the Name and E-mail fields. When you are done, press the Save and Close button. Click, then, on the New email message button at the top left. Enter the name of the group created previously in the To: field, specify the email subject in the Subject field and enter the content in the appropriate text field.
If Outlook is not installed on your computer
you can read my guide on how to download Outlook. Alternatively, you can proceed using the web version of Outlook. Then connect to the website of the e-mail service and log in to your account. Then click on the small squares icon at the top left and select the People option. On the newly opened page, click on the down arrow icon next to the New contact item and choose the New contact list option.
Now press on the Create button to create the group of contacts. Then click on the small squares icon at the top left. Select the Outlook option and click on the New message item. Then, enter the name of the contact group just created in the To field. Specify the subject of the newsletter in the Add subject field and insert the content in the text field in the centre of the page. To send the newsletter. Click on the Send button, and you’re done.
Create newsletters on WordPress
Users who need to create newsletters on WordPress can rely on MailChimp and integrate newsletter registration forms on their website. As indicated in the previous paragraphs of this guide. Alternatively, numerous plugins are available that allow you to integrate and manage a newsletter directly from the famous CMS.
In addition, among the best newsletter plugins, you can consider the MailPoet Newsletter. A free tool that allows you to create customized templates. Manage lists of subscribed users and schedule the sending of newsletters.
After downloading and activating the plugin in question, click on the MailPoet item in the left sidebar and choose the Lists and Forms option to manage the contact lists and create the subscription forms for your newsletter. In addition, by selecting the Subscribers item. You can add new subscribers manually.
Now, click on the Email option and press the Add and Create buttons to start creating your first newsletter in the newly opened page. Click on the Select button relating to the template of your interest and enter the newsletter data in the Subject and Text preview fields. Then customize its structure and content using the tools visible in the Content: column layout and Styles sections.
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Firstly, the creation of your newsletter has been completed. So, press the Next button at the top right. Indicate the list of contacts you wish to send the newsletter to in the Lists field. So, specify the sender’s name and email address in the Sender and Reply-to fields and press on the Send button to send the newsletter. In other words if, on the other hand. You want to schedule the shipment. Affix the checkmark next to the Schedule option. Indicate the time and date of dispatch and press the Schedule button.
Alternatively, you can consider the Sendinblue WordPress plugin. The newsletter creation service I mentioned before in a dedicated chapter of this tutorial.
Thanks to the plugin in question. So, you can create registration forms in line with the image of your brand and easily integrate them into your posts and pages; design, configure and program your emails using Sendinblue’s SMTP; manage contacts easily from WordPress; create and manage email marketing campaigns; view advanced statistics to improve campaign performance and more.
To install the plugin, just log into your WordPress control panel, add the Sendinblue plugin as an extension. However, activate it and configure it by entering your Sendinblue API keys. More info here.
Programs to create newsletters
To the online services and plugins for WordPress that I have indicated in the previous paragraphs. So, do you prefer programs to create newsletters? No problem: here is a list of those that might be right for you.
- SendBlaster (Windows): an easy to use and completely Italian interface, make it one of the best newsletter programs. In its free version, it allows you to create two lists and send up to 100 messages for each list. To have no limitation and add attachments to newsletters. You need to purchase the Pro Edition version. At the cost of 167.55 USD.
- SmartSerial Free (Windows): allows you to create newsletters both using ready-to-use templates and creating customized layouts using an HTML editor. In the free version, it allows sending 400 emails per day to 200 different addresses. The unrestricted version has a cost of 50.55 USD.
- MaxBulk Mailer (Windows / macOS): it is a paid software (with 30 days free trial) that allows you to create personalized newsletters by creating the template manually. It has a cost starting from 56.11 USD.
To learn more about the operation of the software just mentioned and learned about other newsletter programs. You can read my in-depth guide.
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